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For as long as humans have existed, they have hunted the African bush to survive


Life in the bush would not be possible without hunting for food, and as well as a necessary part of our life, it has the potential to be an unforgettable experience!



We are proud members of the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA), guaranteeing that you will have a safe, legal, and enjoyable hunting experience during your stay with us.


All of our PHs are licensed and insured, with a wealth of experience tracking and hunting.


We are a member of PHASA and shall commit ourself, upon acceptance of membership, to this Code of Conduct whereby we:

  • We shall promote and observe the Aims and Objects of PHASA, the provisions of the PHASA Constitution and its By-laws;
  • shall obey the laws of any country in which he operates at any time in professional hunting or related activities;
  • shall conduct himself in a manner which will reflect honesty, integrity and morality and shall not allow material gain to supersede such principles;
  • shall respect the natural resources of the country in which he hunts;
  • shall respect the rights and interests of property owners and local communities;
  • shall not misrepresent himself to clients or mislead clients in any way;
  • shall take every reasonable step to ensure that his clients receive the services contracted for, and to ensure their safety, comfort, and satisfaction; and
  • shall not act in any manner that brings the good name of PHASA and it’s members into disrepute.

It is important to make sure that the professional hunter/hunting outfitter you are signing up with is a member of PHASA. In the event, difficulties occur, there is very little assistance PHASA can provide if the professional hunter/hunting outfitter is not a PHASA member.